The completed application form with enclosures should be submitted to, The Principal, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Vidyanagara Cross, Bengaluru International Airport Road, Bettahalasur Post, Bengaluru – 562 157. The candidate should produce all the relevant certificates / testimonials in original at the time of admission. Detailed information regarding fees, caution deposit etc., will be intimated to the students at the time of admission.
Candidates, who are found to have obtained admission by false representation or by production of forged certificates, will be summarily dismissed and fees paid will be forfeited.
Tuition and other prescribed fees should be paid on or before the stipulated date. The amount paid towards tuition fees, admission fees and any other fees will not be refunded. Students dismissed on disciplinary grounds will forfeit their entire fees.
Any deposit paid during the admission will not be refunded during the course of study and will be refunded only after the completion of the course. For application form & Information brochure, send a DD for Rs.750/- drawn in favour of ‘Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering’ payable at Bangalore.
In support of their application, students must submit compulsory originals and photocopies of Copy of proof of age (Class X certificate), Copy of statement of marks in qualifying exams (PUC or equivalent) Nationality certificate, Cast certificate (Reserved category) Transfer certificate from the Institution last studied. Conduct certificate from the Head of the Institution last studied and migration certificate for other than Karnataka PU Students is mandatory
The college attaches utmost importance towards the maintenance ofdiscipline. Ragging is ruled out and use of mobile phones banned. Anystudent involved in ragging of any sort, either directly or indirectly will bedismissed from the college immediately. An undertaking to this effect has to be signed by both student and parent. Students expelled on grounds of discipline will not be entitled to any refund of fees or deposit.
A minimum attendance of 85% is required in each subject, failing which thestudent will not be allowed to appear for the exams as per VTU norms.Attendance for the college tests is compulsory and leave or absence from thetests will not be permitted. The students should avail themselves of any leaveonly with prior sanction of the HOD / Principal. When leave is availed forunforeseen reasons, the application must be made soon after returning fromleave to the Principal. Books and other library material should be handledcarefully.
The membership of any student who is found misusing the library will be withdrawn. The student must always carry the photo identity card issued by the college while in the campus. Students should maintain good academic progress and good conduct. They are expected to be well disciplined and cooperative and behave with decency and decorum keeping in mind, the standards of college within and outside the campus.
Mr. Lokesha K
Admin Officer
Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering (SVCE) Vidyanagar, Kempegowda International Airport Road, Bettahalsoor Post Chikkajala Bengaluru North Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District Karnataka – 562157.