The Department of Mechatronics at SVCE was established in 2018 and offers a 4-year B.E course in Mechatronics with an integrated curriculum to provide a broad-based education in the basic principles of electrical, electronics, computing, mechanical & control systems.
The Mechatronics department endeavors to be an excellent research and educational program in the multidisciplinary fields of engineering.
To impart high quality education by adopting excellent teaching methods to develop next generation of innovative leaders.
To build quality and responsible graduates to pursue higher studies and perform research for meeting global requirements.
To inculcate communication skills, leadership, ethics and strong entrepreneurship among students for their sustained growth.
Prepare mechatronics graduates to design and develop an intelligent product by utilizing their technical skills and to be a high tech leader.
Graduates of the programme will be succeeding to take up their career in research and pursue higher studies through lifelong learning.
Graduates will be able to lead a team with the qualities of professional, social and ethical responsibilities.
Able to acquire concepts of Electronics, Mechanical, Instrumentation and communication for Mechatronics Engineering application.
PSO 2Able to apply knowledge of PLC, SCADA and Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Automation.
Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, information science and engineering to design and solve complex problems in mechatronics engineering.
PO2.Problem Analysis: An ability to Identify, formulate, research, literature and analyze mechatronics Engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences.
PO3.Design/ Development of Solutions: An ability to Design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, health and safety, ethical, manufacturability and sustainability.
PO4.Conduct investigations of complex problems: An ability to use research based knowledge and research method top perform literature survey, collect data from experimental outcome, analyze and interpret data to develop and maintain mechatronics systems.
PO5.Modern Tool Usage: an ability to be familiar with state of art tools and techniques in designing, developing and testing components of mechatronics.
PO6.The Engineer and Society: Demonstrate knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of need for sustainable development.
PO8.Ethics: An ability to recognize and value ethical principles in professional engineering practice.
PO9.Individual and Team Work: Function effectively and ethically as an individual, and as a team member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams.
PO10.Communication: An ability to communicate with peer community and society through definite spoken language, written reports, documentation and make effective presentations.
PO11.Life-long Learning: An ability to identify the need and engage in lifelong learning to cope up with the rapidly growing disciplines of mechatronics and its related engineering applications.
PO12.Project Management and Finance: Ability apply the knowledge of engineering and management principles to manage projects as team member or leader in multidisciplinary teams.
Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering (SVCE) Vidyanagar, Kempegowda International Airport Road, Bettahalsoor Post Chikkajala Bengaluru North Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District Karnataka – 562157.